Special events

Our Open Source Legal Training program is designed to provide legal education to practicing attorneys and law students who seek education on open source legal issues. Our presentations include topics such as Open Source Licensing & Compliance, Traditional Copyright Law, Patents/Open Patents...

"How was the presentation?" "It was ... um, OK. Kind of interesting."

Don't let the above be your talk! There's a lot more to doing a good talk than just knowing the code you're presenting. Join this tutorial to learn the ten steps to transform "um, OK" to "great!"

You know the...

We are proud to announce 6th Annual DevOps Day LA, to be held Friday, January 22, 2016, co-located with the 14th Annual Southern California Linux Expo at the Pasadena Convention Center in Pasadena, California, near Los Angeles....

UbuCon will returning to SCALE 14x and will be held Thursday January 21st and Friday, January 22nd, prior to the main Expo.

Part unconference, part scheduled sessions, the SCALE 14x UbuCon will cover what is going on within the Ubuntu community and how to improve the community.


Chef is an automation platform that transforms infrastructure into code.  This is a hands-on tutorial that will cover the basics that everyone needs to know about how to use Chef for system and infrastructure management.  We'll discuss the server API, the code primitives, and the tools required...

The Unikernels and More: Cloud Innovators Forum (aka CIF16) is an event sponsored by the Xen Project which will highlight some of the newest technologies for virtualization, containers, and the cloud. The Xen Project ecosystem is filled with interesting...

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system. It has more than 30 years of active development and a proven architecture that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, data integrity, and correctness. It runs on all major operating systems, including Linux,...

The Southern California Linux Expo will once again host the SCALE: The Next Generation conference.  This is an event where the free & open source community leaders of tomorrow will be able to spotlight their talents and ideas!  This year's program will include sessions on...

SCALE 14x is happy to welcome back the Apache Bigtop community.  Bigtop is a project for the development of packaging and tests of the Apache Hadoop ecosystem.  The primary goal of Bigtop is to build a community around the packaging and interoperability testing of Hadoop-related projects. This...

Have a passion you'd like to share? Is there a community you want to connect with at SCaLE? Want some open discussion on a topic?

If so, create or join a BoF as SCaLE14x will continue the tradition of providing space for groups to meet and discuss their common interests.

BoFs will...

This year GLADCamp will be partnering again with SCALE. GLAD stands for the Greater Los Angeles Drupal (users). Why would those attending a Linux expo want be interested in Drupal? Drupal is an Open Source CMS or...

The UpSCALE talks are held in the style of the Ignite presentations made popular by various O'Reilly sponsored events. Participants are given five minutes to speak on a subject accompanied by 20 automatically-advanced slides, making this a fast paced, fun event for participants and audience....

The Yocto Project is pleased to present a training session on how to use the Yocto Project tools, including the OpenEmbedded build system and the Poky reference distribution. All are welcome. This course will cover the basics of the build environment, concepts and terminology, and will provide a...

Linux is a robust and secure operating system with a rich array of applications.  The Southern California Linux Expo is once again providing those who want to start using Linux an opportunity to learn how.  SCALE will provide an Installfest + basic system administration class on...

How many ways can you dominate on Game Night?

Pool?  Check.  Air Hockey?  Check.  Vintage Video Games?  Check.  Board Games?  Check.  Nerf Artillery?  Of course!  Join your fellow SCALE attendees for drinks, games, food and fun at SCALE's 6th Annual Game Night on Saturday.

How were...

In the 14 years that the Southern California Linux Expo has existed, a lot has changed in the Free & Open Source Community.  We've invited three very distinguished speakers from the SCALE community as well as the FLOSS community at large,  Jon "Maddog" Hall, ...

SCALE has once again partnered with the Linux Professional Institute and BSD Certification Groups to offer discounted certification testing on site  during SCALE 14x.   

LPI Exams

All three levels of LPI’s professional certification program...

Come see members of the free & open source community face off against each other, determining who has the greatest knowledge of geek culture.

Contestant line up for Weakest Geek:

Corey Quinn

Hannah Anderson

Mark Shuttleworth

Ruth Suehle


For the first time ever at SCALE, we are offering amateur radio, or HAM license exams. The exams will be held on Sunday, from 11 to 3, walk-in's welcome. You will need to bring a Government issued photo-id, an FRN (this page is your friend:...

Join the Bad Voltage team for an entertaining live show with surprises, free beer, prizes (such as a Mycroft AI), and plenty of audience participation.

This must-see live event brings the team together to tape a live show in front of a live audience. The usual irreverent Bad Voltage style...