How many ways can you dominate on Game Night?
Pool? Check. Air Hockey? Check. Vintage Video Games? Check. Board Games? Check. Nerf Artillery? Of course! Join your fellow SCALE attendees for drinks, games, food and fun at SCALE's 6th Annual Game Night on Saturday.
How were your piloting skills last year? This year, the Top Fun Test Flight Center for Quadcopters returns with a black light obstacle course that is twice as large. And if you're into horizontal speed, we have a brand new RC activity: the Mini Motorcycle Racetrack. But, don't crash there. When you're ready to put your feet up, crash in our Movie Theater and replenish your party batteries.
There's more.
This year we celebrate our new home in downtown Pasadena, a historic California city with a famous dual personality of High Tech and High Culture. Get a taste of the arts in the exhibit hall with hands-on activities at our first ever Giant Garden Party.
And a Museum?
Pasadena is also known for its world class museums, and Game Night is inspired. The theme for our first ever SCALE Museum is Rise of the Machines: A Living Timeline. This is a display of historic technology, computing devices and other clever gadgets that belong to SCALE attendees. If you have vintage technology or geeky gadget you'd like to show off, contact lori@socallinuxexpo.org.
Hackaday Invasion!
This year Game Night is joining forces with Hackaday, a notoriously playful community of engineers and tinkerers who share the best hacks, mods and DIY projects on the Web. These makers bask in the glory of building it instead of buying it, repairing it rather than trashing it, and raiding their junk bins for new projects every time they can steal a few moments away.
Got a great open-source or game themed project? Hackaday.io LA Meetup group is hosting its regular Show & Tell at Game Night, and would love to see what you've made! Bring your projects to share with our community. More info: http://www.meetup.com/Hackaday-Los-Angeles/events/227725946.
How Game Night Works
Family Hour runs from 8-9pm. Children bring their adults that first hour. :-) After 9pm, children are welcome to stay with Mom or Dad, but the doors open for everyone else, and we party until midnight.