This year GLADCamp will be partnering again with SCALE. GLAD stands for the Greater Los Angeles Drupal (users). Why would those attending a Linux expo want be interested in Drupal? Drupal is an Open Source CMS or application builder that normally runs on Linux, Apache, uses MySQL, so it works hand in hand with Linux. So you can use Drupal to do something with your Linux system. You can program everything yourself but why not start with a tool that takes care of the mundane stuff so you can be more productive. Do you really need to write a program to reset a forgotten password.
Come to GLADCamp and see what Drupal can do for you, and maybe what you can do for Drupal. We will have a session packed day on January 21 at the Pasadena convention center, and it is all part of SCALE 14x See you there.
To be announced.