
Ryan Schaller
Topic: DevOpsDay LA

The change in developer operations is a constant evolution. Even when a process or pipelines feel perfect something new can come along and make it better. My talk will focus on a personal tale of developer operations that I have implemented over the last 15+ years of my career and go in depth of what worked and what did not over my last 15+ years in development.

Brian weber
Audience: Everyone
Topic: SysAdmin

Problems with single hosts are challenging enough. Scaling up to hundreds or thousands of running hosts only multiplies the problems. However, troubleshooting and remediating production issues at scale can also be much easier to deal with than issues on smaller installations. In this talk, we will explore a real production issue or two around a python application to highlight some sound techniques and approaches to handling services at scale. We will explore some specific howtos from a simple level, such as reading logs, to more complicated things pertaining the overall state of the runtime.

Srivathsava Rangarajan
Audience: Beginner
Topic: PostgreSQL

Ever used a database? Wondered where it magically puts all your data? Wondered what "transactions" are and exactly why we need them? Heard some very technical-looking folk talking about "ACID"? Then this is the talk for you. In this demo-documentary of a single byte, of the life-cycle of a single byte from birth to death, we attempt to demystify the internals of a relational databases' storage mechanism using PostgreSQL as an example.

Josiah Carlson
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Developer

In some use-cases, Redis can double its memory use during a snapshot operation (replicas attaching, periodically for backups, rewriting AOF, as requested for backups, ...), generally requiring substantial "copy on write" overhead for heavy write loads, up to 100% in some cases. We demonstrate a technology that reduces this memory usage to .3-.5%, or roughly 1/200 the overhead of existing Redis snapshots, while seeing little difference in throughput or latency.

Corey Quinn, Sonia Gupta
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Mentoring

"I'm sure if I work hard, my contribution will one day be recognized and I'll get a raise." --Everyone At Some Point In Our Careers. The world is unfair; this talk won't do much to fix that-- but it will give insight from two industry veterans on how to maneuver within the world we currently inhabit.

Khem Raj
Audience: Developer

RISC-V is a Free and Open RISC Instruction Set Architecture provided under BSD license, unleashing new means of processor innovation with open collaboration, delivering a new freedom of hardware and software design. It's filled with the potential to do what Linux started for the software ecosystem, some 25 years ago, i.e., lighting the open source movement, but for hardware and CPU design and influencing CPU innovation for rest of the 21st Century and beyond. We will talk about the RISC-V ecosystem, and the progress it has made thus far in a short span, from 2010 onwards.

Lee Calcote
Audience: Everyone

Many organizations are using open source software without purposeful governance in place. These organizations need to establish processes and practices to govern the way in which they consume and contribute.

Alan Ott

The Linux kernel contains a complete subsystem for creating the device end of a USB connection. This means a capable embedded Linux system can look like a thumb drive, HID device, serial device, video device, audio device, or another type of device using a range of built-in drivers. It’s also possible to create custom drivers for moving data to and from custom devices. This presentation and hands-on lab will describe some of the basics of USB and then describe how to create USB devices using the Linux gadget subsystem and communicate with them from a host using libusb.

Nikki Attea
Topic: DevOpsDay LA

Quality Assurance is a crucial component in releasing software. But who is responsible for QA processes, tools, and methodologies when you’re a young startup with limited bandwidth? The answer is: everyone. At Sensu, we experienced the painful process of discovering this in preparation for our General Availability release when engineers naturally were heads down in development, creating mounting technical debt with regard to testing.

Michael Starch
Audience: Developer
Topic: General

F Prime, developed at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory has been used to control cubesats, instruments, and other spaceborne systems at NASA. This talk will walk through the basics of F Prime, its architecture, and how it is used to develop embedded flight software. Attendees should expect to leave with an understanding of how F Prime can be used to further their own embedded software projects both in space and on Earth.