SCaLE 12X – the 12th annual Southern California Linux Expo – takes place on Feb. 21-23, 2014, at the Hilton Los Angeles Airport hotel. As the first-of-the-year Linux/Open Source software expo in North America, SCaLE 12X expects to host more than 100 exhibitors this year, along with nearly 80 sessions, tutorials and special events

SCaLE is a community run open-source and free software conference held annually in Los Angeles.

Present!  The SCALE Call For Papers is now closed!

Sponsor!  Sponsorship and Non-Profit & dotORG exhibitor opportunities are available.

Attend! Registration for SCALE 12X opens on September 22, 2013.

Get Involved!  Interested in helping to plan this year's conference? Get in touch!

Speaker Interview: Howard Chu

OnenLDAP's chief architect Howard Chu took a few minutes to answer some questions from the SCALE Team about his presentation, "What's New with OpenLDAP."

Q: Could you please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your background?

A: I'm the Chief Architect of the OpenLDAP Project and CTO of Symas Corp. I've been writing free software since the 1980s, working on such projects as gcc, gmake, etc. through the years

Speaker Interview: Roberto Aguilar

Roberto Aguilar will be giving a talk on "Automated Deployment with Django, Docker and Salt." The SCALE Team caught up with him and asked him a few questions about his presentation.

Q: Could you please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your background?

A: Hi, I'm Roberto Aguilar.  I'm a full-stack Internet applications developer and have been part of the entire product lifecycle including design, architecture, implementation, and maintenance.  I've written software for servers and embedded systems.

Speaker Interview: Deb Nicholson

Deb Nicholson is going to tell you about trolls -- "Trolls Aren't the Only Threat Under the Bridge" -- in her presentation at SCALE 12X. Deb took a few minutes to answer a few questions for the SCALE Team.

Q: Could you please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your background?

A: I'm Deb Nicholson. I live in Cambridge, Massachusetts and I used to work in politics before finding my home in the free software movement. I work on a few projects including the Open Invention Network, OpenHatch and GNU MediaGoblin.

Speaker Interview: Nathan Chan


Nathan Chan took some time with the SCALE Team to talk about his SCALE 12X presentation, “Introduction to Kali tools: nmap and OpenVAS.”

Q: Could you please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your background?

A: My name is Nathan Chan, and I currently live in southern California. I have also lived the DC area, Houston and Seattle. My background is in software, most recently testing. I've spent most of my working life in defense and aerospace, with a 4 year stint in commercial software.