
Audience: Everyone
Topic: BoFs

AI can be used for self optimising, self healing, and self regulating systems. We would like to discuss potential use cases.

Brian Cluff
Audience: Everyone
Topic: LibreGraphics

Hugin is a powerful program to combining images into panoramas. It is easy to use, but needs quality input images to work correctly. This presentation will give an intro to using Hugin as well as advice on how to take high quality input images so that your panoramas will always turn out perfect. There are also many other things that can be done with Hugin and a few notables items will be shown.

Joe Ayers
Audience: Everyone
Topic: HAM Radio

Off-Grid long distance wireless networks are rapidly growing on Amateur Radio Microwave allocations  around the world.  Joe Ayers will detail the goals of AREDN (, the open source technology, the wireless capabilities, the network architecture, and the considerations to deploy long distance microwave links.    He’ll also show examples of devices commonly used for Sector coverage. Point-to-Point links, and wide area coverage.

Craig Kerstiens
Audience: Developer
Topic: PostgreSQL

Postgres continues to get more and more feature rich. But equally as impressive is the network of extensions that are growing around Postgres. With the rich extension APIs you can now add advanced functionality to Postgres without having to fork the codebase or wait for the main PostgreSQL release cycle. In this talk we'll cover some of the basics of what an extension is and then take a tour through a variety of Postgres extensions including: pg_stat_statments PostGIS HyperLogLog and TopN Timescale pg_partman Citus Foreign data wrappers which are their own whole class

Larry Hignight
Audience: Intermediate
Topic: Open Data

R is a popular, open-source, statistical computing language and environment that turned 25 years old in 2018. Kaggle is a popular machine learning competition platform. This talk will demonstrate using R to submit solutions in two Kaggle competitions. While machine learning algorithms, like k-NN and ANN classifiers, are discussed, the primary focus will be using the built-in features of R, and additional packages, to perform exploratory data analysis, to handle missing data, and finally, to prepare and evaluate a submission.

Michael Ducy
Audience: Everyone


In any Cloud Native architecture there’s a seemingly endless stream of events that happen at each layer. These events can be used to detect abnormal activity and possible security incidents, as well as providing an audit trail of activity. In this talk we’ll cover how we extended Falco to ingest events beyond just host system calls, such as Kubernetes audit events or even application level events.

Johannes Segitz

This talk gives a short introduction into buffer overflows, how to exploit them and which counter measures are used in openSUSE Linux to make exploitation harder. We'll cover stack canaries, fortify source, address space layout randomization and NX. We'll see how they work and how they can be circumvented in a live demo of a working exploit that manages to circumvent these security measures.

Brian Hsieh, Manrique Lopez
Audience: Everyone

Building an open source program while operating at a global scale can be both rewarding and challenging. The broad scope of a successful open source program requires cross-functional coordination between multiple teams with differing goals, focus areas, perspectives, and timelines. Data-driven management requires project activity, community, and processes data to reach achieve these goals. This talk will address how open source leads can serve as enablers of building a collaborative and successful open source program at their companies.

Sriram Ramkrishna
Audience: Everyone
Topic: General

The Linux application market is the last bastion of the Linux eco-system that has not (yet) taken off. The Linux platform is a foundational technology that runs the worlds system throughout the world. That's about to change as desktops, application frameworks, and distributions are self organizing to solve this problem. This talks about the challenges that we'll face on the road to the dominance of the final piece of the eco-system.

Luis Falcon
Topic: openSUSE

GNU Health combines the socioeconomic determinants of health with state-of-the-art technology in bioinformatics, genetics and proteomics. It provides holistic picture of the person, from the biological and molecular basis of disease to the environmental determinants of health. In addition, it manages the internal processes of a health institution, such as financial management, billing, stock management, pharmacies or labs (LIMS).