
Lan Dang, Roger Cheng
Audience: Everyone
Topic: General

The JPL Open Source Rover is a relatively inexpensive project for high school and college classes to exercise mechanical, electronics and software engineering. The SGVHAK maker group beta-tested the build instructions while giving JPL significant feedback. We successfully built the SGVHAK rover and have exhibited at SCALE, the Caltech Science for March, and the DTLA Mini Maker Faire. Our members are already designing and building their own versions of the rover, the most famous one being Sawppy by Roger Cheng. We'll share our experience and the build process.

Stephen Walli
Audience: Everyone

From Red Hat to MySQL, many believe there is an open source business model around the open source project. This is generally a bad idea, and leads to confusion between projects and products, customers and the community. This presentation will take folks on a general tour of how to think about starting a software company, producing and consuming open source software projects, and the pitfalls to avoid. 

Lars Kurth
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Mentoring

Used by more than 10 million users, the Xen Project’s success and longevity can be attributed to enabling community members to contribute ideas and code, even if they are not core to the project's main use-case brining Xen far beyond server virtualization. Lars will share how the project has supported new technologies and ideas, and derive best practices that may help other projects.

Karthik Gaekwad
Audience: Beginner
Topic: Mentoring

Folks who live in Austin have a very diverse and large tech community that they have access to. This community is a work in progress that has taken over 10 years to build with lots of work going into gatherings, meetups, beer ops, local conferences etc. I'll talk through the many things we've done in Austin, and how you can replicate these ideas in your own cities!

Debo Dutta

Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) is a strategic direction for enterprises. In the multi-cloud world that enterprises are embracing, there is a need for a robust and consistent AI strategy such that the investments hold good across multiple public clouds, on-premise infrastructure, and all the way to network edge. A CIO needs a consistent AI strategy that would be future proof and avoid vendor lock in. This includes decisions ranging from infrastructure choices all the way to model lifecycle management and safety/compliance.

Jacob Weinstock
Audience: Intermediate
Topic: General

Two binaries are better than one, right? Come and learn about building python and golang static binaries. And then lets embed the python static binary in the golang binary. Why do this you ask. For the Core Infrastructure team at NetApp, skill sets, use case and environment constraints lined up for this to make sense as the solution. Come see a basic demo and hear our experience.

Matt Ingenthron
Audience: Developer
Topic: Observability

On a distributed system, small violations of service level they can multiply and stack up, leading to a declining user experience as services are broken into smaller and smaller pieces.  To keep service levels high, how does one find the cause?  OpenTracing!  This talk will intro OpenTracing and how Couchbase integrated OpenTracing into the system to allow observability with Tracers such as Jaegar, LightStep, DataDog, etc.

Richard Gaskin
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Ubucon

You love Ubuntu. We love Ubuntu. What can we do so everyone can love Ubuntu? Ubuntu is the most popular Linux distro, but how many of your friends are using it? How many even know what it is? Maybe we can change that. This sessions invites attendees to participate in an open discussion of ways we can expand the Ubuntu desktop user base. Bring your ideas, success stories, and enthusiasm for Ubuntu, and we'll take notes in this open-ended two-hour conversation. If we discover great ideas that could use Canonical's help to make happen, after UbuCon we'll submit them for consideration.

Dave Chiluk
Audience: Developer
Topic: Ubucon

Are you a developer? Do you want to help fix Ubuntu? Have you monkey patched your python packages to oblivion? Is your apache 10 security revisions behind because you've created a custom build? Do you rely on out of archive packages for bug fixes? This is the talk for you. We’ll cover the the basics of Ubuntu Development including: How to interact with Launchpad, Getting sources, Debian packaging basics, Ubuntu Development and Build tooling, Patch submission and sponsorship, and more. By the end you will have the knowledge necessary to submit your fixes back to the Ubuntu community.

Richard Gaskin, Nathan Haines
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Ubucon

In this open Q&A session, attendees are invited to bring any questions they have about Ubuntu. Whether you're looking for a particular type of application, want to know how to find Ubuntu events in your area, tips on hardware compatibility, or anything else, Nathan and Richard are on hand to help.