
John Mark
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Mentoring

Most open source communities are accustomed to a set of tools, such as online forums and mailing lists, chat applications, bug trackers and other ticketing systems, and text and multimedia content managers. May I submit another toolkit for your consideration: the learning platform. Not just a CMS or multimedia rendering tool, the learning toolkit comes with pedagogical expertise baked in, helping your community shorten its learning curve and become more successful. In this talk, I'll use the Open edX project as the basis for building an engaging learning platform.

Jason Hibbets
Audience: Beginner

Civic hackers and start-ups alike are using open data provided by government to change their community or start a new business. Is open data a new fuel for our economy that's being exploited without much attention? This session will explore what open data is, why it's important to our economy, and highlight several projects leveraging open data to improve our society.

Audience: Everyone
Topic: BoFs

If you design or teach online courses, or you run ed tech platforms and applications, you'll want to know more about Open edX, the world's premier open source platform for collaborative learning. In this BoF, we'll discuss what's coming up in the Open edX Community:
- Open edX Conference, March 26 - 29 at UC San Diego -
- Ironwood release, coming in March
- Turning your community into a learning organization

Nell Shamrell-Harrington
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Mentoring

Open sourcing a project is only a fraction of the effort that will go into it over time. Come here about the hard parts of open source governance - including making it easy to contribute, troubleshooting, and managing contributions. Learn how to deal with upstream issues and more!

Lokesh Kumar Goel
Topic: Embedded

It's been a long journey at LG to migrate from custom built Linux distribution to a more standard and sustainable solution like OpenEmbedded. Millions of currently shipping LG Products are based on OpenEmbedded now. And LG is pushing OpenEmbedded to be a standard for Embedded OS in many new areas like Robotics and Automotive. Want to know more about this journey? Want to know how you can be part of this ecosystem?

Will Adler, Hannah Wheelen

In 2021, state legislative and congressional districts will be redrawn. In most states, elected officials will draw new boundaries and implement them before the public has a chance to understand the maps. Precinct-level geographic election data is a critical tool for determining whether a map is fair or is a partisan gerrymander. Unfortunately, however, there is no consistent format and no central repository for this data. At the Princeton Gerrymandering Project, we are building OpenPrecincts, an open-source collaborative effort to make this data available to the public.

Jonathan Katz
Audience: Beginner
Topic: PostgreSQL

The maturation of containerization platforms has changed how applications are developed and deployed. These technologies have made its way into the PostgreSQL ecosystem, with platforms like Kubernetes enable teams to run their own "database-as-a-service!" In this talk, you will learn how to get PostgreSQL up and running in a containerized environment with advanced sidecars in only a few steps! You will also see how it extends to large production environments with Kubernetes, and the future of PostgreSQL in a containerized world.

Timo Mechler
Topic: Kubeflow

The significant amount of effort required to bring Machine Learning (ML) models into usefully deployable form is one of the main obstacles preventing the Cambrian explosion and widespread adoption of ML and AI into different industry verticals at this time. In this presentation, I will be walking you through the process of bootstrapping a Kubernetes Cluster in the cloud for training and serving models at scale using Kubeflow, and discuss all the lessons we have learned in the process of implementing our pipelines for projects we have undertaken.

Andrew Pierno, Vincent Anderson, Sam Fishman, Sumi Devi

Join local data scientists and ML experts for a panel discussion on why they chose Kubeflow for their workloads.

Varun Varma
Audience: Intermediate
Topic: Observability

Panoptes is an open source, unified network telemetry system developed at Yahoo (now Oath, a subsidiary of Verizon). Panoptes monitors metrics on many types of devices, over a large number of sites across thousands of devices which contain hundreds of thousands of interfaces - every sixty seconds. At Oath, we have been using Panoptes to monitor our network infrastructure, which serves content to 1 billion users. During this talk, I’ll share why we built Panoptes, how we built it, what we learned along the way, where we plan to go next, and how you can use it.