A message from Lawrence Lessig

Hello SCALErs:

I was grateful for the chance to present at the SCALE conference last Friday, and especially grateful for the feedback and ideas. If you’d like to share the talk with others, it is CC licensed (surprise surprise!) and available here.

At the end of my talk, I made a pretty strong ask for volunteers who might be willing to lend some of their technical skills to the cause. Appropriately enough, the link that I had provided died earlier in the day, so any offers to help were lost. I am endlessly indebted to the organizers of SCALE for allowing me to make this followup pitch: If you’re willing to help, we (obviously) need it. Just send an email to with a description of the sort of commitment/skills you can offer, and if helpful, a description of your background.

Thank you again to SCALE and to you. There’s an enormous amount of work to be done, but I am hopeful you will make it much easier!

-Lawrence Lessig

SCALE 12X PGP Keysigning Party

Guest Post by Phil Dibowitz

We've received a lot questions about the PGP Keysigning Party this year, and I'm happy to report that it is indeed going to happen.

However, your faithful PGP enthusiast is taking a year off. Instead of me standing up and yelling instructions, Aaron Toponce has graciously volunteered to lead this year's event. Aaron has led many PGP keysigning parties and I'm sure he will bring his own unique insights and twist.

Guest Post: Caryl Bigenho - Coders' Corner

New At SCaLE This Year!
The Coders' Corner is a brand new event coming to SCaLE 12X. Inspired by the recent Google Hour of Code, the Coders' Corner is a place to bring your friends and family of all ages, abilities, and interests to find out how much coding can be. You are invited to bring your own laptop, tablet, or you can use one of the machines we will have in the room. It will be a place where coders are welcome to come to share ideas and skills with each other and, especially with people new to coding.