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We're always looking for help!  If you would like to volunteer for one of these SCALE committees, please email the committee chair.

Website: Volunteers Wanted

Call for Papers Chairperson: KC Braunschweig

Sponsorships and Exhibitors: Sponsorship team

Technical Committee (Networking) Chairperson: Robert Hernandez

Members: Owen Delong, David Lang, Steve Bibayoff

Technical Committee (Online Services), Chairperson: Phil Dibowitz

Members: Davide Cavalca

Audio/Visual Committee - Chairperson: Michael Proctor-Smith

Members: Lan Dang, Michael Starch, Jess Bermudes, John Wang, Bruce Bergman

Education Team Chairperson: Orv Beach, Clint Savage

Volunteer Wrangler: Phillip Banks

Publicity Committee Co-Chairpersons: Hannah Anderson

Graphics Committee - Chairperson: Josh Andler

Special Activities Committee - Chairperson:  Lori Barfield

Diversity Committee - Chairperson: Phil Dibowitz

Members: Hannah Anderson, Alan Willis

In addition, we have email mailing lists for the Southern California Linux Expo.

They can be found here.