Droplabs is a collaborative hackerspace and Drupal coworking and event space in downtown Los Angeles. Created in early 2011 by LA Drupal members for the LA Drupal community, we are focused on serving the greater LA Drupal community, enriching the Drupal skills and lives of its members, and bringing joy to our Drupal practice. Our founders represent several local area businesses that have deep roots in the Drupal and open source communities.
We've been open to the public since May 2011, and the use of our equipment and facilities, including conference room, tables and chairs and espresso machine, is free until our official launch. See http://groups.drupal.org/scale10x-supporting/node/145934 for more details about our open beta period and http://droplabs.net/prices for our list of free amenities and member perks.
As an event venue, Droplabs is the host of the monthly Downtown LA Drupal meetups, LA Drupal's weekly Pro Drupal 7 Development book study group and special events including code sprints, barn raisings, the Varnish 3 Release Party, a Leave GoDaddy Day workshop and LA Drupal's job fairs.
To learn more about Droplabs, visit us at Droplabs.net, follow @Droplabs on Twitter, sign up at Meetup.com/Droplabs or like DroplabsLA on Facebook!