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The Third Annual Southern California Linux Expo

Raffle Sponsors


SugarCRM is the premier commercial open source customer relationship management application provider, breaking the rules set by conventional CRM solutions. The limitations of traditional CRM software can be summarized by the lack of flexibility, high costs, and closed-source structure which is embedded into the traditional product offerings. This has led to a failure rate of over 70% with traditional CRM implementations.

CaseAce - Raffle Sponsor

O'Reilly & Associates - Raffle Sponsor

O'Reilly & Associates is the premier information source for leading- edge computer technologies. The company's books, conferences, and web sites bring to light the knowledge of technology innovators. O'Reilly books, known for the animals on their covers, occupy a treasured place on the shelves of the developers building the next generation of software. O'Reilly conferences and summits bring alpha geeks and forward-thinking business leaders together to shape the revolutionary ideas that spark ne w industries. From the Internet to XML, open source, .NET, Java, and web services, O'Reilly puts technologies on the map.

TransGaming Technologies - Raffle Sponsor

TransGaming Technologies is a global leader in the development of software portability products that allow game developers and publishers to develop games for one system and deploy them across multiple platforms - faster, cheaper and better than anyone else. TransGaming's Linux product, Cedega, supports hundreds of the hottest and most popular games on Linux, out-of-the-box, including hit titles such as Battlefield 1942, Battlefield Vietnam, EverQuest, Star Wars Galaxies, World of WarCraft, City of Heroes, Half-Life 2 and many more.

Hacker Threads - Raffle Sponsor

Bawls - Raffle Sponsor