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The Third Annual Southern California Linux Expo

Media Sponsors

O'Reilly & Associates - Media Sponsor

O'Reilly & Associates is the premier information source for leading- edge computer technologies. The company's books, conferences, and web sites bring to light the knowledge of technology innovators. O'Reilly books, known for the animals on their covers, occupy a treasured place on the shelves of the developers building the next generation of software. O'Reilly conferences and summits bring alpha geeks and forward-thinking business leaders together to shape the revolutionary ideas that spark new industries. From the Internet to XML, open source, .NET, Java, and web services, O'Reilly puts technologies on the map.

McGraw Hill/Osborne Media - Media Sponsor

McGraw-Hill/Osborne Media, a unit of McGraw-Hill Education, is a leading publisher of self-paced computer training materials, including user and reference guides, best-selling series on computer certification, titles on business & technology, and high-level but practical titles on networking, programming, and Web development tools. McGraw-Hill/Osborne Media is the official press of Oracle, Corel, and Intuit. McGraw-Hill/Osborne Media is focusing on consumer support, emerging technologies, and innovative applications for developing future computer books.

Addison-Wesley - Media Sponsor

We are the premier publisher in economics, finance, science, mathematics, and statistics. Our goal is to partner with instructors, authors, and students to create content and tools that take the educational experience forward. We are committed to publishing the best collection of print and electronic content designed to help teachers teach and students learn. - Media Sponsor

socalTECH has been dedicated to promoting the technology industry in Southern California since 1998, and provides the most in-depth, up-to-date, and focused view of high tech in the Southern California area.

ITtoolbox - Media Sponsor

ITtoolbox is a leading provider of information for the IT industry. Powering a global audience of over one million IT and business professionals each month, ITtoolbox enables users to evaluate vendor solutions, solve technical problems, research industry trends, stay current on specific segments of technology, and manage their careers. By tapping into the extensive front line knowledge available at ITtoolbox, professionals are able to save time, improve decision-making results, and ultimately be more productive in their daily roles.

FedoraNEWS.ORG - Media Sponsor

FedoraNEWS.ORG is a non-commercial, non-profit organization to serve the Fedora Community with useful and helpful information. It is not sponsored by Red Hat but privately funded by Linux enthusiasts like you. The goal of FedoraNEWS.ORG is to create a public community news information site for Fedora Users.

Linux Journal - Media Sponsor

Our mission is to serve the Linux community and to promote the use of Linux worldwide. As more and more people see Linux as a viable alternative to traditional OSes, Linux is increasingly being used as a primary operating system. Linux Journal focuses specifically on Linux and other open-source OSes, allowing the content to be a highly specialized source of information for open-source enthusiasts. - Media Sponsor is a free, friendly and active Linux Community with over 150,000 members and over 1,350,000 posts. Founded in 2000 LQ offers forums, reviews, a Linux hardware compatibility list, a collaboratively built Linux knowledge base in wiki format, Linux tutorials, a free Linux download site and more. LQ has forums for everything from Linux Newbies to Linux in the Enterprise and has over 20 officially recognized Linux distribution forums.

USENIX - Media Sponsor

USENIX is the Advanced Computing Systems Association. Since 1975 the USENIX Association has brought together the community of engineers, system administrators, scientists, and technicians working on the cutting edge of the computing world.

The USENIX conferences have become the essential meeting grounds for the presentation and discussion of the most advanced information on the developments of all aspects of computing systems. - Media Sponsor

The site fills a void in the Linux Community, for a fully independent and reliable source for a both sides of the fence "call it like we see it" opinion on consumer products compatible with the Linux operating system. Not to mention housing some of the most helpful and enlightening Linux related literature out there.

You may put trust in that LinuxLookup will always offer an unbiased evaluation of hardware, software, and other products while providing a robust information platform for anyone in the on-line community.

ComputerUser Magazine - Regional Media Sponsor

ComputerUser is the advocate for users of computer-related technology. We don't restrict the term user to end-users. Rather, we count any person who uses computer technology among our target readership. This list includes developers, programmers, administrators, help-desk representatives, systems analysts, and end-users, among others. And we don't just solve technology-related problems for our readers; we serve as advocates for their whole computing lives. This includes strong emphases on career planning and training, and opinion pieces that help them put computing in proper perspective.