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The Third Annual Southern California Linux Expo

February 12th: Day 1 Schedule

Time Exhibition Floor Program Track A Program Track B Program Track C Beginners Tutorial Track
9:00am-10:00am Check In
10:00am-11:00am Exhibition Larry McVoy

Delta-Development Model

Presentation [Webpage]
OGG (18.5MB)
MP3 (18.9MB)
Kevin Foreman

Where's the video? Implementing a first class open source A/V experience

Presentation [PDF]
MP3 (32.6MB)
OGG (63.1MB)
Jon Walker

Windows to Linux desktop migration

Presentation [OpenOffice Slides]
Ralf Pieper

Overview of Linux: Comparison of a few distros

Presentation [OpenOffice Slides]
11:00am-11:30am Break
11:30am-12:30pm Randy Dunlap

Kernel-janitors project

Presentation [PDF] OGG(32.6MB)
Tim Jones

Improving Backup planning for growing environments

Presentation [PDF]
MP3 (32MB)
OGG (67MB)
Jason Schultz

Current Threats to Open source projects

Presentation [Powerpoint]
Giovanni Orlando

Personal Linux Operating System
12:30pm-1:30pm Lunch/Raffle
1:30pm-2:30pm Exhibition Norman McEntire

Linux Internals and Device Drivers

Presentation [PDF]
MP3 (25.3MB)
OGG (26.2MB)
John Ousterhout

Faster Software rebuilds

Presentation [PDF]
Kim Brand

Open Source opportunities for small schools

Presentation [Powerpoint]
Abhijeet Chavan

Open Source Web Content Management

Presentation [PDF]
2:30pm-3:00pm Break
3:00pm-4:00pm Alex Perry

Linux in embedded systems for engineers

Presentation [PDF]
Kevin Bedell

How Open Source is Transforming Corporate Software Development

MP3 (23MB)
OGG (44MB)
Arif Sayed

Types of Linux Certifications

Presentation [Powerpoint]
Dennis Rex

Wireless Linux for Beginners

Presentation [PDF]
4:00pm-4:30pm Break
4:30pm-5:30pm Eero Teerikorpi

Application clusters

Presentation [Powerpoint]
MP3 (17MB)
OGG (31MB)
David Uhlman

Open Source business applications

Presentation [PDF]
Sumitra Srinivasan

Social impact and governmental-corporate factors influencing the adoption of open source

Presentation [PDF]
MP3 (45MB)
OGG (39MB)

February 13th: Day 2 Schedule

Time Exhibition Floor Program Track A Program Track B Program Track C Beginners Tutorial Track
9:00am-10:00am Check In
10:00am-11:00am Exhibition Cecil Watson

Remastering Knoppix

Presentation [PDF]
MP3 (27MB)
Clint Oram

Open Source and enterprise applications - how CRM proved its place

Presentation [PDF]
MP3 (26MB)
OGG (45MB)
Marc Hamilton

Open development for Solaris and Linux

Presentation [PDF]
MP3 - currently unavailable (64MB)
OGG (60MB)
Mike Maki

Introduction to Samba

Presentation [OpenOffice Slides]
11:00am-11:30am Break
11:30am-12:30pm Daryll Strauss

Asterisk on Linux for setting up a VOIP office

Presentation [PDF]
MP3 (77.2MB)
OGG (67.3MB)
Ted Gould

SVG standard for Open source desktops

Presentation [Gzipped Tarball (SVG)]
Jon Maddog Hall

...aren't we all Indians?

Presentation [PDF]
David Morgan

Basic TCP/IP in Linux

Presentation [PDF]
12:30pm-1:30pm Lunch/Raffle
1:30pm-2:30pm Exhibition Gideon Romm

Diskless client networks and server centric computing

Presentation [PDF]
OGG (37MB)
MP3 (39MB)
Jefferey Bianchine

Developing management strategies and tools for Samba

Presentation [PDF]
Walt Pennington

OpenEMR, XRMS, CRM and open source medical applications

Presentation [OpenOffice Slides] Presentation [PDF]
Shalendra Chhabra

OpenSSL and other certification mechanisms in linux

Presentation [PDF]
2:30pm-3:00pm Break
3:00pm-4:00pm   VOIP Panel

with Louie Mamakos, Al Brisard, Jeff Bonforte, and Daryll Strauss

* The schedule of events is subjected to change without prior notifications.