SCALE University
SCALE and the League of Professional System Administrators (LOPSA) have partnered to bring you SCALE University (SCALE U). SCALE University will offer professional training services at the SCALE 6x conference, in addition to existing conference tracks and other training opportunities.
SCALE U will be offering two classes on February 8, 2008. Austin Godber, Platform Engineer for JumpBox, a vendor of virtual server appliances, will offer a class on Virtualization, and Chris St. Pierre, Unix System Administrator at Nebraska Wesleyan University and a frequent instructor for LOPSA, will teach about fighting spam with open source tools.

Courses Registration Will Include:
- - SCALE Full Conference Pass ($70 Value)
- - 3 hour intensive tutorial
- - Lunch
- - Printed Materials
- Total Cost: $300
Chris St. Pierre - Friday February 8th - 9am-12pm
Speaking Topic: LOPSA: Open-Source Email Systems: One Approach to Spam Fighting
Chris St. Pierre is the system administrator at Nebraska Wesleyan University, a small but growing liberal arts university. In his three years there, he has lead a charge to document and modernize the computing infrastructure. He has considerable experience and interest in issues of scalability, business continuity, and automation, and enjoys fighting spam in his spare time.
This tutorial will take participants through one very successful approach to spam filtering, while admitting that there is no One True Solution.It will cover in-depth setup details for RBLs, greylisting, adaptive firewalls, HELO restrictions, ClamAV, SpamAssassin, and end-user tools like whitelists and blacklists; plugins and tweaks to make these tools more effective; potential pitfalls to this (and other) approaches to filtering; and a host of other smaller items, like soliciting feedback from your clients, gathering statistics, and collating log information. It attempts to be MTA-agnostic.
Austin Godber - Friday February 8th - 1pm-4pmSpeaking Topic: LOPSA: Introduction to Virtualization on Linux with Xen
Austin has been involved in Phoenix Area User Groups including PLUG and ASULUG for over a decade and has used Linux as his OS of choice since the release of Windows 95. He graduated from Arizona State with a BS in Physics in 2000. He is a Linux Geek by day ... and, not surprisingly, a Linux Geek by night. He has worked for a DARPA sponsored computer security project, helped start a Municipal WiFi company, assisted NASA's Mars Spaceflight Facility in surviving the Slashdot effect and is now wrangling Virtual Penguins for JumpBox.
This short course will provide an introduction to virtualization as well as discussion of the following topics:- Overview of the state of virtualization on Linux
- DIY virtualization options for Linux, concentrating on the Open Source Xen Hypervisor
- Innovations based on virtualization to keep your mind wandering through the rest of SCALE.
This course is intended for those new to virtualization while some of the innovation material may be interesting to the not-so-new.
LOPSA provides educational and networking opportunities, a forum for support and ideas, and an active community engaged in discussion of system administration issues. As a member-driven organization, LOPSA's best ideas come from its membership; IT professionals looking to influence the field of IT can join LOPSA to find other IT professionals to collaborate on projects, advance the state of the art, and search for and share the best practices in IT.