Stormy Peters -
Speaking Topic: WIOS: What does a community manager do?

Stormy Peters joins OpenLogic from Hewlett-Packard (HP) where she founded and managed the Open Source Program Office. As an early adopter of open source, Stormy was responsible for HP's open source strategy, policy and business practices. She was also a founding member of HP's Linux Division.

Stormy is a frequent keynote speaker on business aspects of open source software at major conferences such as the Open Source Business Conference and the O'Reilly conferences. She has addressed the United Nations, European Union and various U.S. state governments on open source software.

Stormy joined HP ten years ago as a software engineer in the Unix Development Lab after graduating from Rice University with a B.A. in Computer Science.

Stormy is involved in open source software because it is changing the world and the community is full of smart, passionate people!


The open source movement has brought along a new job - that of community manager. Community managers cajole, facilitate, help, market and grow communities of people around open source software projects. And large numbers of community managers tend to be women (especially compared to the number of women in open source software.) Come learn what a community manager does, why women are attracted to the role and how men and women might play the role differently.