
Zoë Chalfant
Audience: Everyone
Topic: DevOpsDay LA

Mental health is an area of interest in the tech industry. Zoë will discuss her own experience being psychoanalyzed, her sabattical working as a counselor, and her volunteer work as a counselor at a crisis hotline and as a crisis counselor for regional Burning Man affiliated events.

She will further cover how to discuss mental health with management and colleagues, seek treatment for mental health and substance use disorders, and navigate insurance. Additionally, she will discuss different therapeutic approaches and how to approach selecting a therapist.

Rob Fletcher
Audience: Everyone
Topic: DevOpsDay LA

In cloud-native development, managing vulnerabilities is essential for secure, scalable environments. This talk covers the key elements of an effective vulnerability management strategy, including asset tracking, SBOMs, and risk prioritization, and provides actionable insights on implementing monitoring pipelines to detect and address threats early.

Kendall Nelson, Stephen Walli, Corey Leong
Audience: Beginner

The audience will learn about the collaboration the OpenInfra Foundation has fostered with universities to get students involved in Open Source before graduation. After reaching over 100 students, we have learned a lot and are eager to share improvements and plans for the future.

Henrietta Dombrovskaya
Audience: Everyone
Topic: PostgreSQL

pgBadger is a widely used tool that helps to identify the exact factors slowing down the system, improve SQL for quick wins, and enhance overall system performance. But what if you could do more? Imagine the power of PostgreSQL at your fingertips, which is used for its own log analysis and performance optimization.

Explore the latest features in pgBadger and the tools we built on top of it to unlock a world of possibilities!

Ron Efroni, Michael Stahnke, Sarah Novotny
Audience: Everyone
Topic: General

Join us for "Taming the Chaos: What's Next in Engineering?" where top tech leaders discuss strategies to streamline development and anticipate future shifts in the realms of open source and AI. This panel, featuring luminaries like Sarah Novotny (former director of open source strategy at Google and Azure), Michael Stahnke (VP Eng at Flox, ex VP at Circle CI) and Ron Efroni (Founder of Flox), will explore effective ways to manage the growing complexity in tech stacks and highlight how AI, open source, and security trends are shaping the future of engineering.

olaph wagoner
Audience: Intermediate

While x86 servers certianly dominate the landscape in datacenters, they are not the only option for running an OpenStack environment.  We'll discuss some options for installation, and then examine the concrete example of how a dual architecture enivornment works in the IBM Storage Scale lab.

Thomas Charlon
Audience: Everyone

At the CELEHS laboratory we are particularly interested by LLM-based embeddings as BGE and BERT. As the number of models increases, we need methods to compare their clinical usefulness. While some R packages exist to leverage GPU capabilities, Pytorch is by far more used for GPU computation. In contrast, R is efficient for data management and visualization. How should one build robust and reproducible pipelines incorporating them both ? My answer is well-designed pipelines with Docker, Makefile, and Elasticsearch. In this talk I will showcase my design approaches to such challenges.

Tim Banks
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Cloud Native

Fast access to unlimited resources has allowed many organizations to iterate and innovate quickly. It comes at a cost, though. In addition to growing AWS bills, operational knowledge has been ceded to managed services and SaaS providers. Organizational resilience has been lostand the cost to the environment and sustainability efforts will impact the world around us for generations to come.
Learn how we can take more control of our journeys with awareness, rebuilding skills, thinking beyond the quarterly sales goal, and cleaning up our messes.

Emily Le
Audience: Intermediate
Topic: Developer

Data flows continuously—and so should your analyses. In this session, learn about the fundamentals of stream processing and how it’s transforming industries like finance, e-commerce, and IoT. We'll dive into commonly used, open-source tools like Kafka, Flink, and RisingWave. Then we'll build out a simple data pipeline, showing how to wrangle endless data streams into manageable, actionable insights instantly. Whether you're starting out, or improving your approach, join us to learn about the potential of real-time data.

Chris Morgan
Audience: Everyone

In the before times, OpenStack operators met several times a year to network, exchange experience and to bring feedback to the OpenStack development community based on experience of using OpenStack in production at scale. Since the pandemic, and with shrinking travel budgets, in-person meetups have become extremely rare. On the other hand, interest in OpenStack is growing again.
We'll take a fresh, no-holds barred look at the status quo and discuss what works for the community in this new reality.