
Mark Wong, Devrim Gunduz, Magnus Hagander, Jonathan Katz, Joe Conway
Audience: Everyone
Topic: PostgreSQL

Ask anything about the PostgreSQL Community. Technical, social or otherwise! A number of folks involved in the PostgreSQL community regularly attend SCaLE and make themselves available for questions.

Thuymy Tran, Wanda He
Audience: Intermediate
Topic: PostgreSQL

Learn the architectural concepts, similarities and differences between the PostgreSQL engine and Oracle Database.

Umair Shahid
Audience: Developer
Topic: PostgreSQL

As your application stack scales, the original design & configuration of your database may not be optimal anymore. This talk aims at identifying common performance problems encountered as you scale your PostgreSQL database and how to address them. Four broad areas will be covered: 

  • Query optimization 
  • PostgreSQL performance features
  • Architecture-level improvements
  • Tuning of database parameters
Paige Cruz
Audience: Developer

Curious about containers beyond Docker? There’s a new generation of containers on the scene, Podman! Supporting secure, rootless containers for Kubernetes microservices, it was designed and built with the cloud in mind. Benefitting from the lessons learned out in the open from Docker, this next generation of containers will quickly become a trusted daily driver in your dev workflow.

Darren Cole
Audience: Beginner
Topic: FOSS @ HOME

Build you own private cloud for less than $500. Yes it is possible and has been useful. The talk will provide an overview of installation, what to consider when building on the cheap, and some how it has been useful.

maddog Hall
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Career Day

In many countries around the world state and federal universities are tuition free for qualified students, but often many students can not take advantage of this because their families are too poor for the additional fees for room, board, computers, books, transportation, Internet and many of the other costs of schooling.

Project Caua shows computer savvy students how to use their skills to sell and support FOSS projects on Open Hardware to small business owners while working only part time while attending high school or university.

Allen West
Audience: Intermediate
Topic: Security

In the evolving landscape of cyber threats, proxyjacking for profit is emerging as a silent adversary. While the cyber realm is familiar with hijacking resources for cryptomining and conventional malicious uses of proxies, exploiting victims' bandwidth for direct and tangible profit is a newer challenge. This presentation delves into the intricacies of proxyjacking and its challenges for cybersecurity defenders. Attendees will gain insights into its prevalence, potential future trajectories, and, crucially, defensive measures to combat this under-discussed threat. 

Jimmy Angelakos
Audience: Advanced
Topic: PostgreSQL

Company database holding critical data goes down after a hard disk crash. There is no redundancy, and no usable backups. The only thing that remains is just a list of files with no structure, recovered from the destroyed filesystem. There is intense time pressure to get back online, and no clear path forward.

Michael Wang
Audience: Beginner

Join us in a deep dive into open-source robotics with our project: a Raspberry Pi-powered robot, adept at navigating a Dino Run-style game. Utilizing Python, OpenCV, and Linux on Raspberry Pi, alongside a DC motor for movement, we showcase how open-source technologies can be innovatively combined to create a responsive and interactive robotic system. This presentation is a testament to the capabilities and versatility of open-source tools in developing engaging and complex robotics applications.

Audience: Everyone
Topic: BoFs

Migrate your way through speed table game stations. When the timer stops, migrate to a different table and continue playing someone else's hand. We'll also have Rocky insiders on hand to answer questions about migrating your shop to Rocky Linux. Bonus gift for the first 30 attendees.