
Jen Diamond
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Developer

Join the conversation about the future of collaborative and efficient software development. Discover how Git Conventional Commits revolutionize your workflow by structuring version history, crafting clear messages, streamlining Git, automating versioning and implementing best practices. Explore the tools and integrations that support this convention, making it easier to get started and maintain consistency across your repositories.

Robert Reselman
Audience: Everyone
Topic: DevOpsDay LA

The purpose of this talk is to provide an introductory overview of blockchain and distributed ledger technology geared to the needs and interests of the DevOps professional.

Alan LaCombe
Audience: Intermediate
Topic: Observability

You instrumented your metrics and now you are vendor locked? So were we! Come to this talk to hear our observability story of freedom. We will share with you cautionary tales of the lessons we learned along the way and the anti-patterns we discovered.

George-Andrei Iosif
Audience: Intermediate
Topic: Security

Codebases, regardless of location, face security threats. The Okta 2022 breach underscores this risk. Developers are advised to adopt a shift-left approach, tackling code flaws before public release.

"The Open Source Fortress" offers a framework for using open-source tools to identify vulnerabilities in codebases. The emphasis is on static techniques like symbolic execution, secret scanning, code querying, and dependency scanning, as well as dynamic techniques such as fuzzing.

Rishi Verma, John Engelke, Kyongsik Yun
Audience: Everyone

Infusing standards and best practices into open source is a challenge. At NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory we created Software Lifecycle Improvement & Modernization (SLIM) to address this challenge. SLIM shares best practices with the broader government-affiliated open-source community and provides actionable templates and guidelines as open source code. This talk highlights SLIM's unique model as well as specific example standards for DevSecOps and "shift left" best practices. Join us to explore merging open-source methods with software standards development.

Karsten Wade, Brittany Istenes, Stephanie Lieggi
Audience: Everyone

Open Source Program Offices (OSPOs) are popping up everywhere, not just in corporations but now in universities, research insititutions, NGOs, public government, and international organizations. In this panel hear from OSPO leaders who are beginning their journey, from ones who are some years into it, and others who have been through this once or thrice.

Justin Garrison
Audience: Intermediate

Just because Kubernetes is cloud native doesn’t mean you can’t run it on-prem, but why is it so hard in 2024? There are lots of options but all of them have trade-offs. Justin has been building on-prem clusters for 8 years and will help you figure out if you need a project or a product, CAPI or PXE, and cloud-init or config management.

Keith Fiske
Audience: Intermediate
Topic: PostgreSQL

Declarative partitioning is now available in all supported versions of PostgreSQL. As with all major features in PostgreSQL it started off with basic capabilities and has been slowly advancing on those to become a well supported part of the architecture. However, there are still some significant hurdles to overcome. This talk will review where partitioning as been, where it's at now, and where it still has to go.

Michael Starch
Audience: Developer

GLIBC has been a boon to Linux but comes with a toll when attempting to cross-compile code for embedded Linux systems. In this talk, we’ll explore the idea of cross-compiling and why it is important in embedded systems. We’ll then introduce problems caused by GLIBC when cross-compiling, and why these problems arise. Finally, we’ll cover several different techniques we can use when cross-compiling for embedded Linux to mitigate or avoid these issues. This talk is intended for users who have some experience with embedded Linux and embedded C/C++ development.

Paul Tevis
Audience: Everyone
Topic: DevOpsDay LA


This session presents three heuristics you can use to improve the flow of information in your interpersonal interactions. These tools are packaged in three simple acronyms to help you remember these techniques in the face of stress, anxiety, and surprises.