Project Caua: Students Creating their own businesses

In many countries around the world state and federal universities are tuition free for qualified students, but often many students can not take advantage of this because their families are too poor for the additional fees for room, board, computers, books, transportation, Internet and many of the other costs of schooling.
Project Caua shows computer savvy students how to use their skills to sell and support FOSS projects on Open Hardware to small business owners while working only part time while attending high school or university.
Many of these students have been providing these "services" for their family and neighborhoods from an early age, yet they have not mastered the legal and business ways of formulating them as a business. Project Caua makes this very easy for them, as well as providing standard open products for students to sell and support for customers.
In addition, all the money that the students earn will go into their pockets. There will not be any large organization having millions of students. Instead there will be millions of small companies owned by one or two students.
Proposals now going forward talk about a 50,000 dollar tax exemption for new small and medium businesses, child tax credits to help finance day care for young children, expanding Medicare to allow for in-home help for seniors (both of which would allow new small and medium businesses to start). In addition to this, there is a movement to help under-represented minorities to start new businesses.
Project Caua is a perfect match for these proposals in the USA.