
Serial Periperal Interconnect (SPI) is one of the most ubiquitous interconnects used for "high speed" data transfers with MCUs, and for early stage system bring up (bios for example). One of the more interesting offshoots is that modern SD cards are secretly just storage devices sitting on a SPI bus. This tutorial will focus on a high level overview of SPI, the protocol, and why it's different than things like I2C, and walk through the practical example of getting an sdcard working from an MicroPyrhon.

I2C is one of the most ubiquitous interconnects that processors of any scale use, from the modest ESP32, to the impressive and largest scale server grade CPUs. Commonly used with connecting to sensors, this tutorial will focus on a high level overview of I2C, the protocol, addressing, and how it differs from other interconnects commonly found on IoT devices. It will also walk through communicating with two sensors on a single I2C bus.

Today’s MCU’s are capable of versatile and complex tasks and are being used in diverse and innovative ways. However, getting started can be intimidating and confusing to beginners. Users will then be taken step by step through the process of getting an RTOS, ZephyrOS, up and running and performing a few simple tasks on the provided hardware. This class requires special registraiton for IoT Training and the purchase of required hardware.

Listen closely. Close your eyes. I know you hear it coming. It’s the microservices buzz. Well, by now it is more of a quake.I’ve been on 2 enterprise level microservices implementations. One was greenfield and the other was a migration from a FAT service. It turns out that the 2 easiest things to do when moving to microservices are to DECIDE to do it and to WRITE THE CODE. If you stick around after that, you better be ready for a ride! I’d like to share my team’s story with anyone who is thinking about going down this path or who has experienced it themselves.
This year's Jobs BoF will have resume reviews.
Bring resumes for review by tech industry veterans at the SCaLE 17x jobs BoF.
Friday night at 19:00 (7pm PST) we will have tech engineering managers and recruiters on hand in Ballroom C.
Resume reviews will run for an hour with informal career networking continuing for at least another hour in Ballroom C.
We will also again have the popular SCaLE jobs board posted all weekend by the
entrance between Ballroom B and Ballroom C.
Jobs BoF will continue into informal careers networking after the resume review event.

There is often a need to simultaneously work on the Linux kernel, user space, and/or boot loader. OpenEmbedded allows for easy integration of the various sources into single the build environment. This enables developers to quickly modify and compile all the necessary binaries into a deployable system image (or RPM/deb packages). In this session, we will go into more detail on why this is desirable, how the development is typically done, and other benefits of using OpenEmbedded. There will be a demonstration at the end to show a working example.
Krita is an amazing drawing/painting program. This talk will cover the basics of Krita, including layers, selections and more. It will also dive into some of the amazing drawing assistants that come with Krita, and really help out folks, like myself, that are artistically impaired. Additionally, Krita comes with a set of powerful filters and tools known as G'mic (Greyc's Magic for Image Computing) that is also available in many other programs (GIMP, Inkscape) and we will cover several of them during this talk.
In this talk, we’ll explain our rationale for choosing Kubernetes as the base of our new global infrastructure. We’ll talk about the challenges of providing a consistent experience across multiple cloud providers that lead us to run Kubernetes ourselves. You’ll learn about the infrastructure choices we made, which ones have paid off, and which ones we regret.