Christine Corbett-Moran

Christine Corbett Moran is an AstroPhysicist and PostDoc Fellow at CalTech. She spent most of 2016 at the South Pole Telescope in Antarctica. Her current interest are in computational astrophysics, high performance computing, and big data visualization. Prior to completing her PhD in astrophysics from the University of Zurich, she worked at SpaceX, Open Whisper Systems, BBN Technologies, MIT CSAIL, MIT Media Lab, Lucent Technologies (Bell Labs Site), FAST Search and Transfer, UP Diliman, MIT, JHU, and MIT MEET as a software engineer, research scientist, or lecturer/professor.
Her free time is taken up in reading, writing science fiction, kung fu, studying Chinese, and spending quality time with her fiancé. She's currently interviewing to be on the next batch of NASA astronauts.