Mark Terranova

I am the Community Manager for Zareason- the Linux hardware vendors. It's not easy to write about yourself. My 1st attempt was silly. I like FOSS, Ubuntu, & Tux the Penguin. I don't like writing bios. So I asked a friend to.
From my Bio. Mark Terranova is a "West Coast Community Developed Software guy". Mark has regularly taught many types of computer classes specializing in the benefits of Linux and Cross-Platform Software.
His involvement started with Ubuntu community. His interest grew to eventually be a Fedora Ambassador. He has helped organize tech events that are fun, along with geeknics - using beer, BBQ, and other ways to create a fun community. He has spent much time in the Pacific Northwest; including Portland, Oregon learning from This knowledge has helped him in his role as co-founder of GidgetKitchen (GK). "Gidget Kitchen donates computers to groups and individuals in need." GK strives to make modern technology simple, empowering, and easy for everyone to understand. The only requirement is "the ability to play well with others."
Mark blames his interest in technical things and electronics on his father Michael. "He gave me a Commodore 64 and helped me get my amateur radio license (N6TBD) at an early age".
If the photo of me that is attached is not satisfactory- I have others located on my Fedora blog-