
LA Drupal is intended to be a hub for Drupal users and their fans in the Los Angeles area to network, collaborate and ask questions. It is their goal to support and encourage the open exchange of ideas that takes place in regular face-to-face meetings, and to promote a greater sense of community for local node-monkeys and pixel-lovers.
Come by to learn about Drupal and get a chance to meet local Drupal training author Chris Charlton, and see previews of his latest online video course "Drupal: Creating and Editing Custom Themes" available at Lynda.com (online previews available at http://tinyurl.com/theme-drupal).
Drop by their site at http://groups.Drupal.org/LA for more goings-on, discussion and a chance to pitch in. Some of the LA Drupal members frequent their own IRC channel (#drupal-LA on the Freenode IRC Network).
LA Drupal benefits from SCALE by helping connect locals to Drupal, one of the premier open source projects. The local group is vibrant averaging about 50 people (and continuing to grow) at our monthly meetups where we network, meet other Drupal professionals, and generally just have fun learning and sharing one of the projects we love.
Stop the booth to learn why there's so much buzz about Drupal. They'll be serving up the Drupal kool-aide and will teach you how to make your own!