Service Orchestration in the Cloud with Juju

In Ubuntu we're building a collection of services, things that any one can deploy anywhere. Need a fully sharded MongoDB deployment for work? Deploy it in one command. What if instead of searching the web for "the perfect Discourse deployment" you could just do it out of the box. Deploy it either via a CLI, or a webinterface. Need more resources? Click a button for more instances. Smart devops have already figured out how to deploy these services in a way that scales, what if we could encapsulate that person's expertise, generalized it, and then let everyone deploy it that way? Too many people are wasting time learning how to deploy "Hadoop" and getting lost in the weeds fixing config files than learning the actual technology. That's the problem we're trying to solve. Find the experts, define what a reliable, scalable, robust configuration is for that service, and stick it in the operating system, all open source, peer reviewed, and tested; and deployable anywhere. This talk is for:
- People who have to manage multiple services in the cloud (public or private). This can be AWS, HP Cloud, OpenStack, Microsoft Windows Azure, your VPS provider, or your own pile of machines. Any Ubuntu machine with an open SSH port can be managed by Juju.
- You're probably a system administrator or developer.
This talk will cover the following things: What we'll show you:
- Real life running services in a cloud, no mockups or demos, what you see here is how the tool works in real life.
- Take you through some devops workflows so you can test locally (and cheaply) and iterate before spending money in production.
- A quick tutorial on how to get started writing your own charm, so you can leverage Juju and it's charm store of over 130 services to make your life easier.
- Juju isn't configuration management, it's service orchestration - so we'll have some examples on hand of real-life Chef and Ansible integration pieces as examples on how to take advantage of things you might already be using.
You can also follow along! The audience can participate by installing Juju if they like, depending on network conditions.