Elastic Overkill: Is Cloud Really The Be-All End-All for Everyone?


IT managers are chomping at the bit at the ease of use found with VMs, as well as the cost savings. They can build a superior architecture with hundreds of VMs, all ready to run any application. The question on their minds now is, should they build a virtual data center that mirrors the physical one they might already have, or migrate straight to the cloud, with all of its elasticity and software-defined features?

As shiny and new as the cloud is, a case can be made that for the most part, business processes can be easily accomodated with cost-saving virtual data centers without the software-defined features of the cloud. With centralized management tools like oVirt leading the way to fast, efficient and low-cost VM deployment,virtual data centers can be just the solution many organiations need now--and the foundation for cloud-based growth later.


Century AB
Friday, February 21, 2014 - 13:00 to 13:45