Devops for University Students

Over the past ten years the OSU Open Source Lab (OSUOSL) has provided an amazing program for undergraduate students. Many of our students have moved on and created their own successful startups and have changed the landscape of open source themselves. However our program does not scale to the needs of industry nor to the students that are on campus. These students need a program that still teaches them the basics of Devops without needing to hire them at the OSUOSL.
This session will cover a new approach we’re taking at OSU at scaling up teaching devops and FOSS development. Many college universities will just focus on the theory of Computer Science. But as many know, this doesn’t teach students what they need to know out in the industry. This year we’ve started a program called Devops Bootcamp which is a hands-on, informal workshop open to any student at OSU. It was modeled after the Portland State University Braindump program, but modified to our needs.
The goal of Devops Bootcamp is to immerse college students in the basics of Linux, Linux System Administration, FOSS development practices and eventually building an entire infrastructure for a fake organization.