Amber Graner
Amber 'akgraner' Graner entered the world of Open Source in 2009,
blogging about her experiences.From there she quickly rose to the
challenge of editing, reviewing and eventually co-authoring the
current edition of the Official Ubuntu Book. Amber continues to
contribute Ubuntu User Magazine. Amber is also a reviewer of The Art
of Community (Bacon; O'Reilly), for both the 1st and 2nd editions.
Currently Amber is the User Experience and Community Specialist for
Linaro where she combines her experience as a decorated US Army
Intelligence Analyst, customer service and hospitality industry
manager with that of her 20+ years of community volunteer service as
she shares those skills in an open an collaborative manner. Amber is
also an active leader across many areas of the Ubuntu Community and
enjoys bringing passion, excitement and energy to every project she is
involved with.