January 20-22, 2012, Hilton Los Angeles Airport Hotel

LPI Exam Cram - LPI-101

Ross Brunson


Ross Brunson of LPI will host two half day exam cram sessions for  LPI-101 and LPI-102 -- exams necessary for LPIC-1 certification.  These sessions will assist exam candidates in preparing for the LPIC-1 exams.  Exam cram sessions include information on exam structure,  question types, and how to use practical experience and one's knowledge  of Linux to determine the correct answers to exam questions. Participants in these exam cram sessions will also gain important tips, tricks and techniques in order to successfully complete and pass their  LPI exams.  Ross is an experienced presenter on this subject and welcomes all questions during his examcram sessions. 

Note: This class is part of the SCALE University Program and includes an additional fee. Please remember to select the "SCALE University" addon at registration.