Oversee.net provides online advertisers with highly motivated customers in two ways.
1. Vertical Markets Division.
Our proprietary SEM and SEO technology and tools allows us to specifically target and attract high quality traffic to each of our lead
generation websites in the Travel, Consumer Finance, Retail, and other verticals. We also generate traffic and leads from social media, mobile
and email sources.
We funnel our traffic into 14 million high converting, pre-qualified leads for advertising partners. Can we send some to you?
2. Domain Services Division.
In 2002, Oversee.net, through its DomainSponsor business unit, was the first company to offer a scalable, optimized solution that allows PPC
advertisers to acquire highly desirable, rapidly growing quantities of direct navigation traffic. Research studies have confirmed that direct
navigation users have highly favorable conversion rates for online advertisers.
Today, DomainSponsor's proprietary optimization technology manages keywords and PPC ads on nearly 8 million undeveloped domains per month.
In support of these domains, nearly 1 billion landing pages per month are served to direct navigation users worldwide.
Oversee.net is highly motivated to ensure that its DomainSponsor technology is constantly evolving and improving because it owns a
portfolio of nearly 1 million undeveloped domain names receiving direct navigation traffic, all of which are monetized on the DomainSponsor