Server Fault is a Q&A site for system administrators and desktop support professionals that’s free. Free to ask questions, free to answer questions, free to read, free to index, built with plain old HTML, no fake rot13 text on the home page, no scammy google-cloaking tactics, no salespeople, no JavaScript windows dropping down in front of the answer asking for $12.95 to go away.
You can register if you want to collect karma and win valuable flair that will appear next to your name, but otherwise, it’s just free. And fast. Very, very fast.
We don’t run Server Fault. You do. Server Fault is collaboratively built and maintained by your fellow system administrators and desktop support professionals. Once the system learns to trust you, you’ll be able to edit anything, much like Wikipedia. With your help, we can build good answers to every question a system administrator or desktop support professional might have.
No matter what types of servers or desktops you administer, or what operating systems you happen to call home -- getting better at what we do, together, is our goal.Server Fault is as frictionless and painless to use as we could make it. We believe finding the right answer to those system administration and IT questions should be as easy as falling into the pit of success … and maybe even a little fun along the way.