Build a Cloud Day will be dedicated to teaching users how to build and manage a cloud computing environment using free and open source software. The program is designed to expose attendees to the concepts and best practices around deploying cloud computing infrastructure.
Attendees should expect to learn how to deploy a cloud computing environment using CloudStack and other cloud infrastructure tools including those from Red Hat, Gluster, Puppet Labs and Opscode that automate server and network configuration for building highly available cloud computing environments.
Please register for this event on the CloudStack site so we can get an accurate headcount for food and beverages.
9:00 - 9:15: Welcome - Mark Hinkle, Director, Cloud Computing Community, Citrix
We'll kick off the day reviewing the program with attendees and gathering information so we can tailor the program to best address the needs and experience level of the audience.
9:15 - 10:30: Xen Cloud Platform - Lars Kurth, Xen.org
XCP combines the Xen hypervisor with enhanced security, storage, and network virtualization technologies to offer a rich set of virtualinfrastructure cloud services. These XCP cloud services can beleveraged by cloud providers to enable isolation and multi-tenancy capabilities in their environments. XCP also provides the user requirements of security, availability, performance, and isolation for private and public cloud deployments.
10:30 - 10:45: Break
10:45 - 12:00: Build Your Cloud -CloudStack - David Nalley, CloudStack Community Manager
Cloudstack is an open source Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) software platform available under the GPLv3 license, which enables users to build, manage and deploy compute cloud environments. The community edition is based on the latest, leading edge features and bits that the Cloud.com team of engineers are working on and is supported by our open source community.
Using CloudStack a free and open source cloud computing software to build a private cloud. During the training attendees will be instructed on how to install Cloudstack to manage virtual infrastructure in a private cloud computing configuration. At the conclusion of the Build a Private Cloud section users will have the knowledge needed to create a simple private cloud computing environment.
12:00 - 12:45: Lunch
We will break for lunch after the morning session, lunch will be provided.
12:45-1:45: Automating Your Cloud with Opscode Chef - Matt Ray and Aaron Peterson, OpscodeInfrastructure is code. The separation between how you manage infrastructure and applications is disappearing.
System administrators love Chef because it gives them flexibility to integrate all aspects of their infrastructure such as monitoring and trending tools with applications. Software developers love Chef because it helps them take care of the muck so they can focus on writing great applications.
1:45 - 2:45: Automatic Configuration of Your Cloud with Puppet - Eric Shamow, PuppetLabs
The shift to cloud-based services has dramatically altered the IT landscape as we know it. Enterprise infrastructure borders have expanded beyond the firewall and now include hosted applications and infrastructure hosted in public and private clouds. Puppet helps DevOps teams meet their common objectives, creating a seamless IT infrastructure across departments, reducing cost and increasing productivity.
This training section will cover deploying cloud infrastructure automatically using Puppet, an open source configuration management and automation tool.The session will cover the following topics:
- Configuring Puppet and Puppetmaster
- Resource Types and the Resource Abstration Layer
- Virtual Resources, Exported Resources and Stored Configs
2:45 - 3:00 - Break
3:00 - 4:00: Unified, Scale-out Storage for the Cloud - John Mark Walker, GlusterGlusterFS is an open source scale-out NAS solution. The software is a powerful and flexible solution that simplifies the task of managing unstructured file data whether you have a few terabytes of storage or multiple petabytes. It’s no secret that unstructured data is growing like crazy, Gluster provides a solutions that scales capacity and performance as you need it and is an ideal fit for an IT environment that is increasingly virtualized and moving to the cloud.There are two key ways that GlusterFS is beneficial for cloud builders:1. Storage layer for VMs. If you're deploying Xen or KVM VMs on a private cloud, storing them on GlusterFS gives you the ability to migrate to different hypervisors, suspend and resume quickly - even on another hypervisor, scale out far beyond what other filesystems will allow, and utilize N-way replication for DR and HA2. Unified storage layer for applications. With GlusterFS 3.3, you will be able to access your application data stores from an object (S3, Swift-style) interface, as well as a traditional POSIX-compatible NAS interface. This unified approach gives developers and admins the ability to access the same data store using a variety of different methods.In this session, attendees will learn steps for deployment and some common use cases.
4:00 - 5:00: Monitoring the Cloud with Zenoss Core - Simon Jakesch, Zenoss
Simon from the Zenoss Core project will provide training on how to monitor a cloud computing environment. The presentation will give an overview of the Zenoss Core management platform. Attendees will also learn how to install Zenoss Core, add devices and send alerts based on conditions within your cloud computing infrastructure.
Zenoss Core is an open source IT monitoring product that delivers the functionality to effectively manage the configuration, health, performance of networks, servers and applications through a single, integrated software package.