Noah Chelliah


Altispeed Technologies

Noah Chelliah was born and raised in Grand Forks ND. While attending the University of North Dakota in 2009 he founded Altispeed Technologies. Altispeed is an IT company dedicated to helping people leverage their technology to it’s full potential using open source principals.

Noah launched the Ask Noah Show in 2017, a weekly talk radio show. The goal was to create a path to serve the open source community by answering questions on system administration, IT business operations, and using Linux as the operating system for your “daily driver”.

Today the Ask Noah Show has been downloaded over 6.7 million times in 7 countries. Each week Noah and his co-host answer questions and bring you weekly updates from geeks eating their own dog food.

In his free time Noah enjoys spending time with his wife, playing with his kids, water skiing, cryptocurrency, and shooting firearms.