Gene Liverman

I’m an all around geek with a passion for systems administration and the DevOps culture who is always searching for a better way to accomplish a task or to solve a problem. I’m also a pragmatic systems architect who regularly looks for non-traditional solutions to problems. I believe in using the best operating system for the problem at hand, be it Linux, macOS, Windows, or something else. I’ve been working in IT for over 20 years and have been using all three of those the entire time.
At work I’m kind of a cross between a systems administrator, a systems architect, and a programmer along with some aspects of a team lead. In the past I’ve also been a network engineer, firewall admin, storage admin, and data center manager. My current world revolves around a combination of physical servers & appliances managed with Puppet, Kubernetes, and virtualization.
When not at work, I’m also a home automation junkie and Cub Scout den leader.
Online I’m usually known as GeneBean.