What the Heck is KiCad, and Can I Really Make My Own Electronics?

According to Wikipedia KiCad "is a free software suite for electronic design automation (EDA). It facilitates the design and simulation of electronic hardware for PCB manufacturing." It is a workhorse for those who have used it, but is actually simple to get started with and should allow one to ease into doing more and more. This session will chronicle starting up with KiCad after only brief uses many years ago. The goal is to show a simple path for you to move first into recording simple projects like breadboarded arduino efforts, through simulation and then on to PCB layout where the end result will be files ready to be sent off to one of the many low-cost manufacturing services that have come to prominance in recent years.
Even if you stop at just drawing and doodling circuit designs, KiCad is an invaluable tool. A simple, standard way to save what you have been doing is quite handy. Next, moving into simulation and electrical rules checking can of great assistance even for casual users.
One helpful feature is KiCad's ability to export 3d models of boards for easier work creating custom housings and devices to be 3D printed (or CNC manufactured). Some examples of how to take this step will be illustrated, and can benefit all since even those who don't have a 3D printer themselves can submit things to services that provide multiple options for printing. May of the companies that provide PCB manufacturing services also provide 3D printing and/or CNC milling services.
Finally, using KiCad to create Gerber files will allow one to get custom PCB's manufactured at low cost (and without the need to deal with hazardous chemicals). Get a few boards printed for testing and or selling on your own. Many of the providers also offer assembly services so you can even skip worrying about soldering.
*If* my sample project works then I will have some custom electronics to show... if not, then I will have some valuable lessons to pass on so that you can avoid the pain I hit. Of course in order to have something complete there will be a few projects attempted, but all failures will be disclosed, as those are the most helpful part of learning!