Special events

PlanetNix is an annual gathering of Nix users and developers, and you are invited!

Attend and hack with fellow Nixers - be you cadet or commodore - and earn valuable skill promotions! Coagulate into workshops and boggle as you learn surprising and new...

OpenInfra Days North America will take place in conjunction with SCaLE and is being jointly organized by the OpenInfra communities from the United States, Mexico, and Canada. Sessions will cover open source projects used to build data center...

SCaLE: The Next Generation (TNG) is a youth-focused tech event—returning to Pasadena on Saturday, March 8th, 2025 from 11 am to 5 pm. This event provides a platform for the future leaders of the free and open-source...

Welcome to DevOpsDayLA, the heart of Southern California's DevOps movement!

DevOpsDayLA is back for its 14th year, bringing together the vibrant Southern California DevOps community. This annual event is Southern...

PostgreSQL @SCALE is a two day, multi-track event which takes place on March 6-7, 2025, at Pasadena Convention Center, ahead of SCaLE 22x. PostgreSQL@SCaLE will present talks designed for a general audience of web developers,...

Cloud Native Days LA is back! Formerly known at KCD LA, the event is heading back to Los Angeles area with a new name and being hosted along side SCaLE 22x. We plan to have workshops, talks, and lightning talks covering...

Join us at the Kwaai Personal AI Summit, where AI innovation meets personal empowerment and augmentation. This premier event showcases the future of Personal AI, featuring pAIOS, the open-source Personal AI Operating System designed to put users in control of their data, digital identity and...

Linux is a robust and secure operating system with a rich array of applications. SCALE is once again providing those who want to start using Linux an opportunity to learn how. SCALE will provide an installfest plus basic system administration class to help you hit the ground running with Linux...

Open Source Career Day is back for SCaLE 22x, offering a dedicated space for professionals and aspiring technologists to advance their careers in the open source industry. Whether you're looking to break into IT, re-career from another field, or take your existing career to new heights, this...

Have a passion you'd like to share? Is there a community you want to connect with at SCaLE? Want some open discussion on a topic? If so, create or join a BoF as SCaLE 22x continues the tradition of providing space for groups to meet and discuss their common interests. BoFs will run on Thursday,...




Join your fellow SCaLE attendees for drinks, games, food and fun at our Game Night reception on Saturday from 7:30pm to 11:30pm

Uncoded presents Trivia Night

How much knowledge do you have about technology or pop culture? Come find out as...

Interested in cybersecurity? Join us for SCaLE's Annual Capture the Flag (CTF) game presented by Cal Poly FAST and Pacific Hackers. The general CTF features jeopardy-style challenges focusing on cryptography, networking, operating systems, programming, and more. Made to be an educational and...