Miguel Hernandez

Miguel Hernandez (@Techivist) is a serial do-good'er & community-builder.
He's enjoyed coaching/mentoring kids, organizing tech meetups/conferences in various languages and contributing to various Open Source projects like Ubuntu, Drupal & Songbird. He's volunteered various times through the Los Angeles Public Library system where he taught adults to read, gave citizenship classes & created (then open source'ed) a curriculum for how to learn to use computers from zero, available in both English & Spanish.
Miguel has been on the front lines of the battle for more diversity in tech & making tech accessible to all.
In a previous life, he did Alzheimer's research & studied Gerontology at USC.
He's a recipient of the nation's highest honor for public service, the President's Volunteer Service Award.
His favorite pasttimes are helping the elderly cross the street & rescuing puppies.