SCALE 19x logo
Los Angeles, CA
July 2022

Jorge Castro

Community Manager

Jorge Castro is a community manager, specializing in Open Source. He is basically a cat herder - a combination of engineering, developer relations, and user advocacy. Jorge graduated with a degree in Telecommunications from Michigan State University and rode with the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment for four years. He first entered the technology field at SAIC and then moved to system administration at the School of Engineering and Computer Science at Oakland University in Rochester Hills, Michigan. Jorge then joined Canonical to work on Ubuntu for about 10 years before moving to Heptio and VMware to work on Kubernetes. He's currently at Stacklet working on the Cloud Custodian project.

He now resides in Ann Arbor, Michigan with his lovely wife Jill, their son Rafael, and their beagle Oscar. Hobbies and interests include renewing his passport, heavy metal, paleontology, gaming, helping run the Orchestructure meetup, technology, and scouting out the best beers in the world.
