Tess Gadwa

Tess Gadwa is founder and product architect at Lotus.fm, a music and information discovery startup.
In January 2011, Tess launched Yes Exactly Inc., specializing in rapid deployment of high quality custom sites and apps for creative professionals, early stage startups, and community organizations. Her company incorporated in December 2012 and continues to serve customers in Massachusetts and across the United States.
She led the push to release Zappen ®, the first fully functional open source implementation of mobile visual search, licensed under the LGPL 3.0 in August 2017. Tess has lectured in Asia, North America, and Europe about the practical and ethical implications of open source, usability, and emerging cryptocurrency standards. Tess is also the creator of Attention Based Currency and the Rosecode.io open creative franchise.
Tess graduated Magna Cum Laude from Williams College in 1998. Her personal website is https://artmeetscode.com.