Managing MySQL (and MariaDB Server) in the hosted cloud

Many workloads are now run in a managed instance of MySQL or MariaDB now, fondly known as database as as service (DBaaS). How do you effectively manage and operate an instance of the database server that you don't normally have full access to?
This talk will cover the manageability, observability, scalability, high availability and the security of your managed database instance. There will be a focus on Amazon RDS MySQL/MariaDB, Amazon Aurora RDS MySQL, Google Cloud SQL, Azure Database for MySQL/MariaDB, as well as Alibaba Cloud RDS MySQL.
We will cover backups, monitoring, architectures to ensure constant availability, being in several data centres, getting the most performance for the lowest cost, and how you might embrace a hybrid cloud environment. There will also be a short discussion as to what to do when you've outgrown your managed instance, and maybe decide to run MySQL / MariaDB Server in a compute instance.
Come to this talk if you are an experiened DBA, or an application developer having to "deal with" the database, i.e. you just want it to run better and get out of your way.