Linux and Liberty: An Exploration of Digital Privacy


Given Edward Snowden's revelations regarding the NSA's XKeyscore program, we know that our privacy is under constant attack by the US goverment. In the years since this information was released, the US Congress has taken several measures to ostensibly better protect Americans' digital privacy. However, the only way to be sure of one's digital privacy is to protect it oneself - and that is where free and open-source privacy technology comes into play. Using tools such as Tor, DuckDuckGo, and many others, everyone can access privacy for free and with almost no maintenance required.

My presentation starts with a narrative of my personal experiences with becoming more literate in digital privacy and improving my privacy practices. Next, it discusses the development of free and open-source privacy software, starting from the original developer and moving to ongoing development and how programmers can contribute to it. Finally, my presentation gives a practical tutorial on how to get and use this privacy software and, more generally, how to maintain good digital privacy practices.

This presentation is ideal for anyone who would like to learn more about protecting digital privacy without needing background knowledge. It is also helpful for those who would like to contribute to the cause of digital privacy but are not sure how to do so. Finally, students may generally appreciate seeing that simple changes in one's daily life can contribute to a larger impact on public policy, no matter how young you are.

Room 212
Saturday, March 9, 2019 - 16:30 to 17:30