Introduction to Identity Management

You might be working on an open source project, and it seems that you will require people to sign up to use for your service. Seems easy enough, right? But, what happens when you start collecting user information? What are the implications? How do you keep the information secure? How do regulations like GDPR impact the service that you will be providing?
The top concern of many open source users is privacy, and making sure that their private and personal information and details do not get leaked, misused, or abused.
During this talk, you will learn what identity management is, what are some best practices around gathering and storing user information, and about a couple tools that you could find useful for making this job easy.
You will also learn a bit more about the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union, which was implemented on May 25th. What information is covered under this regulation and what changes with it? Who are going to be affected?