If Open Source Isn't Sustainable, Maybe Software Freedom Is?

There has been substantial recent discussion, both inside and outside of our community, about the “sustainability” of the Free, Libre, Open Source Software (FLOSS) infrastructure, which is the center of our work in this community. Explosive growth in the technology sector has yielded a small trickle down effect to increase interest, funding and adoption of FLOSS, while concerns about highly public bugs have jarred those who were not aware of the importance of FLOSS in every computer user's daily life.
We've watched this before; nearly the exact same process occurred during the Dot Com Bubble of the late 1990s. Now as it was then, the FLOSS projects that fuel the phenomenon remain the goose laying the golden eggs, which allow (usually proprietary) new technologies built atop them to succeed.
The difference today is the keen awareness of technology industry leaders of FLOSS processes, governance, and culture. We experience in our FLOSS communities now a complex cultural, financial, and leadership melding of the Silicon Valley start-up mentality with our traditional, radical values of software liberation. Since this occurred slowly and organically, we are often stymied when we seek to delineate the ideologies and identify corporate manipulation.
As such, at the very moment of its greatest success, Open Source now exhibits many flaws and cracks. Fortunately, the strategies that historically sustained our communities on tiny budgets centered in charities remain viable, and are poised for resurgence. This talk investigates this complex political challenge our community faces and offers concrete ideas to prepare for changes on the horizon.