Chloe Condon

Former musical theatre actress and Hackbright Academy graduate, Chloe is now a Developer Evangelist at Sentry (an open source error tracking software). Pre-Hackbright, she spent her nights and weekends performing in the Bay Area as a singer/actress and worked in tech by day. To support her theatre career, she started to learn to code on her own through online resources. Perhaps the only engineer you'll meet who has been in "Hairspray", "Xanadu", and "Jerry Springer: the Opera"- she is passionate about bringing people with non-traditional backgrounds into the world of tech. If you're trying to place her face, yes- she's the young woman giving the awkward thumbs up in the "What It's Like to be a Woman at a Tech Conference" article (which she also wrote). A quick Google search of her will provide you with getting started with Docker videos, theatre reviews, tech blogs, and videos of her singing- enjoy!