Hunyue Yau

HY Research LLC

Hunyue Yau from HY Research LLC ( is an embedded Linux Consultant, software and hardware developer, and enthusiast with over 20 years of involvement in Linux. He has worked on numerous Linux architectures including x86 and ARM. Areas of interest include sensors, low power and small foot print for mobile, and embedded Linux devices with a focus on low level kernel and hardware details. Prior works include development of one of the earliest Linux appliances and early porting of Android to new hardware. Recent work include bring up of numerous ARM embedded systems, driver development and integration of peripherals such as sensors and wireless communications for use in a variety of userlands, and publication of an Introductory book, Learning BeagleBone. Prior presentation venues include ESC, SCaLe, MontaVista Vision, and ELC on topics ranging from power management, system size reduction, bring up techniques and mobile related technologies.
