
Peter Zaitsev
Audience: Beginner
Topic: MySQL

Is sharding right for your application or should you use other scaling technologies? If you're sharding what things do you need to consider and which questions do you need to have answered?

Cassidy Blaede
Audience: Everyone
Topic: New to SCALE

ssidy introduces the idea of User Experience (UX) and tackles common myths as to what “UX” means. He then dives into why it’s essential to open source projects in the current technology landscape and lastly, offers some practical advice for open source projects seeking to engrain UX into their workflow.

Maxim Kharchenko
Topic: Sponsored

The unikernel approach should not be limited to cloud workloads. The cloud infrastructure itself must be built around the same principles. Our goal is to be able to unroll a private cloud on a hundred of servers within an hour. The resultant cloud infrastructure should not require any maintenance afterwards. The talk discusses the current progress of Cloudozer in making this vision a reality.

Adam Wick
Topic: Sponsored

You did what, in what, why? In this talk, we’ll talk about Tor, Haskell, and unikernels, and why the technologies make for such a great combination. We’ll then look a little deeper, and walk through the design and construction process of such a project. Why is the first step in building a unikernel to not build a unikernel? Why is resource measurement so important? How the heck to you debug these things? Throughout, we’ll use our Tor implementation as our running example, providing some grounding for the proceedings. Code will be shown, and the pitfalls described.

Amir Chaudhry
Topic: Sponsored

As word about unikernels spreads, more people are trying to learn about this new approach to programming the cloud and embedded devices. Since information is spread across multiple sites, it can be tricky to know where to get an overview and how to get started quickly. So to help with this, there's a new community website at! The community site aims to collate information about the various projects and provide a focal point for early adopters to understand more about the technology and become involved in the projects themselves.

Steven Pousty
Audience: Everyone
Topic: Security

You went ahead a built a whole new set of shiny microservices. While doing this you realize you can no longer rely on you Application Server to handle all the authentication. Oh, and of course one of your teams used Node.JS. How are you going to secure all these endpoints so that the end user doesn't have to authenticate against each one. This talk will be a demonstration of using a centralized authentication service to secure many different microservice architecture. The demos will Project Keycloak but would apply just as well with Stormpath, Ping.Indenty, or similar services.

Dustin Kirkland
Audience: Developer
Topic: General

The numbers don't lie. 97% of the Ubuntu servers running in the public cloud are Ubuntu LTS versions -- 12.04 or 14.04, and 16.04 is rapidly approaching. Ubuntu desktops numbers are similar, in the 90%+ range as well. We often find ourselves, however, on an LTS desktop and server needing just one or two packages from a newer Ubuntu release. I'm pleased to introduce the 'adapt' utility which provides exactly that capability, by combining the goodness from apt-get and Linux Containers with LXD!

Chet Burgess

Over the past 4 years of running production OpenStack clouds for our clients we’ve learned a lot about the Linux/QEMU/libvirt stack. In ths session we will talk about our experience deploying and supporting this stack. We will cover a range of topics including how to tune the stack for performance of VMs, functionality of orchestration tasks such as live migration, and for resilience and error handling when the unexpected happens. Finally we will look at strategies for performing in-place upgrades and what type of challenges this can bring.

Randal Schwartz
Audience: Developer
Topic: Developer

Imagine a language with the browser-side and server-side deployability of Javascript, but with a modern syntax, including strong (but optional!) type safety, modern development and debugging facilities, good multithreading, a command-line scripting facility, and a familiar syntax resembling Java.  You don't have to imagine!  Dart is here! Randal delivers a brief introduction to Dart, including history, status, and future.

Parker Abercrombie
Audience: Intermediate
Topic: Cloud

Our team at JPL produces 3D reconstructions of Martian terrain using real images sent back by the Curiosity Mars rover. In this talk I will discuss how we have adapted a desktop data processing workflow to a cloud architecture, and share our experience using a variety of open source techonologies to keep a mix of Linux and Windows virtual computers crunching data smoothly.