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The Third Annual Southern California Linux Expo


Booth #7
Los Angeles Zope Users Group: The Zope Web Server

Zope is an easy-to-learn, highly productive, highly scalable web-application platform built with Python. A growing body of ready-to-use, ready-to-customize free software packages makes Zope even more compelling as a development platform. The Los Angeles Zope Users Group will demonstrate Plone (content management system), ZWiki (collaborative authoring groupware), and OIO (forms-based medical and eCommerce database application platform). Single CD Live demo and rapid installation capabilities will be demonstrated using LivePlone and LiveOIO Knoppix-based distributions.

We meet on 3rd Wednesday of each month on Harbor-UCLA campus in Torrance. Agenda are published on LAZUG.Org one week prior to each meeting. New users, Zope-related presentations, and old friends are cordially invited. See our website: for details.