We are bringing businesses, academic institutions and
the Linux community together in a way that no other conference does!
Conference Info
Location: Los Angeles Convention Center
Date: February 12-13, 2005
Latest News
- Announcing the winners of the SCALE Awards!
- Best Commercial Booth: IBM
- Best Non-commercial Booth Topic: LTSP
- Best Non-commercial Booth Display: Flight Gear
- Best Seminar: Remastering Knoppix - Cecil Watson; Open Source
Business Applications - David Uhlman
- Best Beginner Tutorial: Wireless Linux For Beginners - Dennis Rex
- Best Schwag: Usenix retractable Ethernet cable; KnoppMyth CD
- Some of the presentation slides are available on the Schedule Page. More coming soon!
- SCALE 3x was a success. Stay tuned for the conference proceedings, pictures, and audio!
- A few pictures from day 1!