To cultivate a passionate, sharing, and inventive local tech culture through open, inclusive engagement with our community.
Founded in June 2015, Uncoded is a volunteer non-profit organization with the aim to inspire, bring together, and ignite local tech community. We do that by identifying synergies that exist in the local tech scene, holding events, and facilitating ongoing tech initiatives.
Because communication is key and because it's often difficult to get everyone together, transparency and openness are important guiding principles of how we operate. Since our inception, we have held open and public monthly board meetings; we actively encourage participation from community. The agenda for our board meetings are open to public comment/suggestions. In addition, we've adopted policy documents to help guide us. They are publicly available and we could use your help improving them (by pull requests), or informally in the board slack channel.
The most important thing “About Us” is YOU: our community, our volunteers, the folks that participate in the events we organize and initiatives we work on. Together, we make awesome community!
More info and links on our website: uncoded.org