Resolutions for 2012: Let SCALE help

Happy New Year from the SCALE 10X Team!

If you need to make – or add – to your New Year's resolutions for 2012, the SCALE Team has some ideas for you: Attend SCALE 10x and become an evil genius in 2012!  

SCALE 10X will be held Jan. 20-22 at the Hilton Los Angeles Airport hotel. Registration is still open and the Hilton is offering a special room rate of $109/night for conference attendees.


STEP 1: Get certified and buy your own volcano lair!* 

*Volcano lair not included

STEP 2: Build and host your own private cloud from your volcano lair. 

STEP 3: Learn revision control to track changes to your world domination plan.

STEP 4: Build an army of Open Source robots.

STEP 5: Send your IPv6 enabled robots out into the world. 

STEP 6: Control your robot horde using configuration management and service orchestration.